Tuesday 30 December 2014

Palacio de Linares

The Palace of Linares is situated in MadridSpain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1976. The word Palacio de Linares means in English, "Headquarters of the House of America" referring to South America. The purpose of this palace is to tie Spain with South America. Here you can view cultural displays of artworks, and performances are also held. All of the things in this palace give a feel of the mixed cultures and traditions of Spain and Latin America. This is, no doubt, one of the popular haunted places of Spain, and it is commonly thought that this has been occupied by the spirits of it's former owners. The foundation of this palace was laid by Mateo de Murga during 18th century. The Marqués had a son named Jose. Jose married with the daughter of a local tobacco maker named Raimunda. Jose and Raimunda were half brother and sister. When his father died, Jose started consulting the Pope on what should ne done. They were told to stay in this marriage relationship, and had to live with each other in chastity. 

Practical info

This palace is located in the Plaza of Cibeles (Cibeles Square), and remains open Tuesday to Sunday. Timings vary from season to season, and there is an entrance fee of 4 Euro.

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