Wednesday 31 December 2014

Top 10 Best Daytime Attractions in the World

Are you planning a holiday? Well, you would definitely be no short of attractions the world over. But how to choose the right daytime place to visit is a question that strikes our mind many times. So, let us try to get its answer. Check out these top 10 best daytime attractions in the world.

10. San Francisco el Grande Church

The Royal Basilica of San Francisco el Grande (locally known as Real Basílica de san Francisco el Grande) is one of the best Roman Catholic churches of Spain. It is situated in the Barrio (neighborhood) of La Latina. The main façade is facing the Plaza of San Francisco, at the intersections of Bailén, the Gran Vía de san Francisco, and the Carrera de san Francisco. It is known to form one of the parts of the convent of Jesús y María. It was constructed during 13th century at one of the sites of chapel. The design of the basilica was presented in the Neoclassic style during 18th century, by Francisco Cabezas. Its development was done by Antonio Pló, and completed by Francesco Sabatini. The church has several beautiful paintings by Zurbarán and Francisco Goya. The temple was once functioning as the National pantheon. The dome has about 32 m diameter, and is 58 m high. Its shape resembles the Pantheon's dome, with a circular form rather than typical dome which were constructed in 18th century.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World

9. Segovia Bridge

The Bridge of Segovia (formaly called as Puente de Segovia) is a bridge found in Spain. It crosses the Manzanares river, and was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1996. The design of this bridge was presented by Juan de Herrera under commission of King Philip II of Spain. It was founded during 1582 – 1584 with 9 spans. The total amount spent on it is 200,000 ducats. The bridge is constructed with bricks of granite. It is one of the most ancient bridges of Madrid. During medieval time, there was only one bridge of wood which was replaced in 16th century with the present day bridge on the orders of Philip II, who had given orders of work to the architect Juan de Herrera. The construction began in 1582, and it took 2 years for its completion. The bridge was constructed with the purpose of making it easy to move towards  Extremadura and Castile. Also, it was designed for being the resistant of the floods that had been following through on a regular basis. This is why, granite was used for its construction.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World

8. Senate Palace

The Palacio del Senado, formaly known as Senate Palace, is the headquarter of the Spanish upper house of Parliament. This building was started as a convent school in 15th century. In those days, it was popular with the name of Colegio de Doña María de Aragón, and this name was given due to its founder. It was firstly used as a parliament building in 1814. In 1820, neoclassical addition was made to the interiors of this building. The architects Isidro González Velázquez, and Anibal Alvarez Bouquel completed its renovation between 1844 and 1850. In those days, a new fasade was also formed here in the neoclassical style. During 1882, the architect Emilio Rodríguez Ayuso laid the foundation of a library and some reading rooms here. The previous traces were replaced with the new ones. Also, a new floor was built during 1969.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World

7. Statue of Philip IV

The Monument to Philip IV or Fountain of Philip IV presents dedication to the memories of Philip IV of Spain. It is situated in the centre of Plaza de Oriente, Madrid. The statue was raised at the insistence of Isabella II of Spain during 19th century, and was opened on November, 17, 1843, a year before Narciso Pascual y Colomer had presented the final layouts of the square. The equestrian statue of the king tracks its history back from 17th century. It was presented by the Italian sculptor Pietro Tacca. He used the scientific advices of Galileo Galilei and drawings by Diego Velázquez. Not only this but also he used busts by Juan Martínez Montañés, who presented his collaboration for this work. It is true that there are various bronze statues worldwide, but this particular statue is highly captivating. The statue was commission by Felipe IV (1605 –1665). It was based on one of the paintings of artist Diego Velázquez. A difficulty with Velázquez image was that the horse reared up, but this proved to be a unique stance. The artistic and mathematical achievement had been lost on Felipe IV, because he had seen the statue of himself, so he disliked it a lot.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World

6. Stradivarius Collection in the Palacio Real

The Palacio Real, formally known as Stradivarius Collection in the Palacio Real, is situated in Madrid. This is a palace in the center of the city, and was used by the kings for ceremonial purpose. Now there is no king present here, but the collections can still be seen. The present palace was founded during the times of King Philip V. Before constructing the new palace, he burnt the old one. This is made of stone and bricks, and has no woods. Philip V appointed Italian architect Filippo Juvarra for designing and building this palace. During the project of Juvarra, he died before it could be completed. Then the project was handed over to Juan Bautista Sachetti, and was occupied by Carlos III in 1764. It is constructed in Baroque style, and has been an inspiration by the Roman artist Bernini.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World

5. Strawberry Train

El Tren de la Fresa or the Strawberry Train is a famous excursion train of Madrid. It is being operated over the RENFE line between Madrid and Aranjuez. This was founded in 1851 as the second railway line of Spain. The railway connected Spain’s capital with the Royal Palace of Aranjuez. It was named as "Tren de la Fresa". It is called "Strawberry Train" because it had fields of strawberries all around. Fresa con Nata/ strawberries with whipped cream is a lovely production of this area. The excursions are running from May to July and then again from September to October. The train has departed from Madrid Atocha railway station, and arrives in just fifty minutes in Aranjuez . The return journey from Aranjuez is at 18:25, and it arrives again at Atocha at 19:15. During the journey, you can view the interesting sites spread all around, many of which are of 16th century.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World

4. Toledo Bridge

The Puente de San Martín, also known as Toledo Bridge, is one of the medieval bridges of Europe. It is found bridge across the river Tagus in Toledo, Spain. It is featured with five arches, the middle of which reaches the length of 40 m. It is very tough for you to find such a remarkable bridge. This was founded in late 14th century by Archbishop Pedro Tenorio. This was purposed to provide access to ancient towns from western part, the Puente de Alcántara was well linked to the east side due to this bridge. It’s both sides had been fortified with towers, and the recent portion of the bridge dates backs from 16th century. It has been constructed on the site of older bridge, which was destructed due to flood. The current bridge was founded by Pedro de Ribera, and is made of nine semicircular arches.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World

3. University of Cardinal de Cisneros

Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, O.F.M. (1436 – November 8, 1517), is famous with the name of Ximénes de Cisneros. He was a famous cardinal of Spain, and a statesman. He touched the heights of fame as a religious person. The University of Cardinal de Cisneros is dedicated to this person. He became the regent of Spain two times, and was one of the promoters of the Crusades in North Africa, who founded the Complutense University. It is considered to be the biggest and one of the oldest universities of Spain. The university has many of his literary works. This person has funded the Complutensian Polyglot Bible, the first printed polyglot version of Bible. He had also edited and published some editions of missal and breviary in 15th century. He had established a college of 13 priests for celebrating the Mozarabic divine office and mass daily in the Cathedral of Toledo.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World

2. Air Force Museum

There is no admission fee, so if you are new to Madrid, then don’t worry of the expenses. The best timetable of visiting this marvelous museum is from Tuesday to Sunday (10 am to 13 pm). The museum remains closed on Mondays and on special events as well as festivals. If you’ve planned to go there through bus, then you can take any of the Madrid-Alcorcón-Móstoles green buses at Príncipe Pío station. The closest metro is ‘Madrid metro’. You can also make Cuatro Vientos Metro station your destination which will bring you close to the museum. From here, there is just a few minutes distance to reach the museum. If you are lucky to own private car, and coming through it, then parking in front of the museum is free of cost.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World

1. Aranjuez Railway Station

A local bus can lead you to Madrid from Aranjuez. It usually leaves for the city once in an hour, and can be hired from the "Isabel II" gardens. The approximate cost of the bus fare of one person is 3 euros. It just takes half an hour to bring you to the center of the city. During summers, RENFE occasionally runs a steam-train which is actually an attractive tourism service of Madrid. You can hire it to reach the city of Aranjuez. Each of the C-3 service train connects Arunjuez directly to Madrid. The ride will take about 45 minutes from Atocha, Sol or Chamartin.
Best Daytime Attractions in the World
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Top 10 Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

If your plan this winter is to explore the historical places of Europe, then the right selection is what you have to make. Be assured that once you start checking the information about most famous tourist attractions, they are easy to approach. Here are top 10 Europe’s most popular historical places.

10. National Museum of Romanticism

The National Museum of Romanticism is also famous with the name of Museo Romantico. This museum lets the visitors enjoy vivid image of life in Madrid during the Romantic period. It was Benigno de la Vega-Inclán who decided to construct this museum, and for this purpose he donated his personal collections of paintings and furniture. In 1924, Madrid’s Museo Romantico was opened for public, and since then, it has seen huge growth and lots of visitors on an annual basis. The museum is present in a beautiful Neo-classical palace on Calle de San Mateo, in the cosmopolitan Chueca neighborhood. These days it has huge collections of 19th century paintings, and remarkable items of decorated rooms. These give us a view of the beautiful Romantic era, during with Spain coincided with the reign of Queen Isabella II. This museum also has the works of Goya, Madrazo and Antonio Esquivel. Not only this but also the visitors can enjoy discovering some great decors and art objects that all-together are recreating an enchanting atmosphere of Romantic Madrid. Here you can view the beautiful formal Ballroom, and lavish Boudoir, and every space of the museum is telling a different story of the history. This will surely take you back to the ancient times in imaginations. Some other monuments you can view here are collections of miniatures, the exquisite decorative arts and 600 furniture items of Bygone Era. The museum has Café del Jardin which is a great spot for enjoying lovely meal.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

9. National Museum of Science and Technology

The National Museum of Science and Technology has huge collections of technological evolution. It is situated in Madrid, Spain. The museum is found in the old Madrid-Delicias railway station, and has pieces belonging to 16th century till the present day. These pieces are representing advancements and developments in the field of science and technology from the Renaissance period. Some of the most ancient collections of the subjects like astronomy, mathematics, physics and geophysics are also present here. Some of its monuments represent the Cross-staff by Walterius Arsenius, 1563, the 17th century’s Astrolabe by Gemma Cornelli. Not only this but also it has an 18th century Ramsden Telescope, and 19th-century lab equipment. The museum also has beautiful industrial exhibitions that comprise the machines of ancient to present times, such as a rotary newspaper press (1916), and collections of gramophones, telephone, typewriter, radio equipment, television and others. This museum also has collections of important gadgets and devices of the history. All these things are illustrating the evolutionary periods of science and technology. Special focus, however, has been on the happenings in Spain.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

8. Naval Museum

The Museo Naval de Madrid is known as Naval Museum in English. It is a national museum of Spain, showing the historical collections of the Spanish Navy since the Catholic Monarchs, in 15th century till present day. This museum is hosting various navigation equipment, weapons, maps, sculptures, and paintings. The museum’s origin dates back from 1792, but it was originally inaugurated in Madrid in 1843. Its locations were moved many times, and finally it was kept at its current place at the Spanish Navy Headquarters in 1932. One of the most ancient preserved maps of America is the map of Juan de la Cosa. It has been kept in this museum. Since 2007, the museum is hosting one gram of moon rocks on the Apollo 17 lunar sample display in its Sala del Real Patronato, which is at several meters distance from the approach of the visitors. Presently, this museum is covering a big portion of the Spanish Armada's Naval Headquarters in Madrid and has been regardeds as one of the major naval museums worldwide.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

7. Oratorio del Caballero de Gracia

The Oratory of Caballero de Gracia is an oratory is situated in Madrid. It was announced Bien de Interés Cultural in 1956. The building, in those days, surrounded the small chapel of 17th century, and construction was undertaken by the donation amount of Jacobo de Grattis who was known as Caballero de Gracia. During 1781, the Congregation of Indignos Esclavos del Santisimo Sacramento, to whom the chapel used to belong, took the decision of extending the area of this building. For this work, the contract was given to Juan de Villanueva. The construction of the façade overlooking Caballero de Gracia was not done till 1826 when Custodio Teodoro Moreno undertook Villanueva’s project and made little changes in the final work of the temple during 1832. When the construction of Gran Vía continued, Carlos de Luque laid the foundation of a newer façade in north side, covering the religious part of the building. But later on, this façade was restyled by Fernando Chueca Goitia in 1970, and finally a façade was founded by Javier Feduchi in 1989-1991.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

6. Museum of Coinage and Postage

The Museum of Coinage and Postage provides a chance to have a look in the history of philately. Here there are several stamps of Spanish history, and some are collected from other parts of the world, belonging to 18th and 19th centuries. It has also the monuments of ancient telegraphy and telephony, and some items track their history back from 19th and early 20th centuries. The museum has a special library with valuable documents from the history. Some of those documents are of State School of Communications. The museum also has series of papers which are signed by important figures, rare stamps, hieroglyphic letters, and other such items. During 1904, a public contest was open for executing this building with an aim to provide space for the monuments of telephone, and telegraph. The contest was won by two young architects, Antonio Palacios and Joaquín Otamendi. It was firstly opened in 1919. In those days, the building was situated in the Retiro Park. These days this building is the City-Hall and has become one of the cultural centers for the tourists to view various exhibitions.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

5. Palacio de Linares

The Palace of Linares is situated in Madrid, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1976. The word Palacio de Linares means in English, "Headquarters of the House of America" referring to South America. The purpose of this palace is to tie Spain with South America. Here you can view cultural displays of artworks, and performances are also held. All of the things in this palace give a feel of the mixed cultures and traditions of Spain and Latin America. This is, no doubt, one of the popular haunted places of Spain, and it is commonly thought that this has been occupied by the spirits of it's former owners. The foundation of this palace was laid by Mateo de Murga during 18th century. The Marqués had a son named Jose. Jose married with the daughter of a local tobacco maker named Raimunda. Jose and Raimunda were half brother and sister. When his father died, Jose started consulting the Pope on what should ne done. They were told to stay in this marriage relationship, and had to live with each other in chastity.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

4. Palacio de Liria

The Liria Palace (also known as Palacio de Liria) is one of the neoclassical palaces of Spain. It was founded during 1770 and the design was presented by the architect Ventura Rodríguez. This palace was commissioned by Duke of Berwick, the Duke of Liria. In 19th century, the rights of the management of this palace were passed to the House of Alba. Eugénie de Montijo, who is the final empress consort of France, died here in 1920. Almost all parts of the palace had been destroyed during the Spanish Civil War. So, it underwent a reconstruction during the times of Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart, 17th Duke of Alba and his daughter Cayetana. The British architect Edwin Lutyens gave several designs for the interiors of the palace, and it was reconstructred after his death; all of his plans, however, were used as such. This palace has remarkable collections of European art.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

3. Palacio de Villahermosa

The Palace of Villahermosa is one of the beautiful and attractive palaces of Madrid. It was founded in 18th century, and underwent a remodeling in 19th century. The current look of the palace is of Neoclassical style. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural during 19th century. This palace is the home to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. In the history, it used to be the residence of the Duke of Villahermosa. This building has three floors. The museum has rich collections of the artworks of the history. The angular façade belongs to 19th century’s neoclassical architecture. The modern look of the palace is due to the little work done during 2004. In 1980, it was used as an exhibition hall of Prado Museum. The original design of the palace was presented by Antonio López de Aguado for María Pignatelli y Gonzaga, the Duke of Villahermosa's wife. The couple has used it as their residential palace in early 19th century. In 20th century, it took the form of an office space of a bank, but was later on turned into a state museum and public spot.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

2. Pantheon of Illustrious Men

The Pantheon of Illustrious Men is a famous royal spot of Madrid. It operates under the administration of the Patrimonio Nacional. Its design was presented by a famous Spanish architect of that time named Fernando Arbós y Tremanti. It is situated in Basilica of Nuestra Señora de Atocha in the Retiro section of Madrid. The pantheon is the house to several Spaniards such as Leandro Fernández de Moratín, Juan Álvarez Mendizábal, Antonio de los Ríos y Rosas, Práxedes Mateo Sagasta, and Eduardo Dato e Iradier. This has the tombs of various ancient persons. Also, you can view here the sepulchers of Mariano Benlliure and Agustín Querol that captivate the attention of international tourists and local visitors at the same time. It is of Neo-byzantine style, constructed between 1892 and 1899.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places

1. Parque de la Fuente del Berro

Parque Quinta de la Fuente del Berro is situated in the grounds of the ancient Quinta de Miraflores, in Madrid. In those days, its commission was done by Philip IV as an actual site. Presently, it is spread in an approximate area of 13 hectares ( with Sancho Dávila Gardens), and has been joined by Henry Street D' Almonte, Avenue Alcalde Sainz de Baranda and M -30, reaching the Calle de Alcala and Sales bridge which is close to the Garden Sancho Dávila, an area that has around 53,000 s.m space. It was then joined in 1968. During 1703, Trimiño María Vázquez de Coronado purchased it, and improvements were done in the irrigation system for watering the gardens. King Carlos III gave orders for providing protection via a checkbox.
Europe’s Most Popular Historical Places
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Top 10 Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

When it comes to plan a trip to Europe, we give preference to the popular cities like London, Paris, and others. Trust me if you want to explore the hidden treasures of history, then there are much better places to see. This is a list of top 10 most remarkable places to see in Europe. I am sure it will be useful for you to take the right decision. So, let us begin!

10. Quevedo House

The house of Quevedo is a place where tourists love to come and spend some time, viewing the marvelous works he had done. Also, the monuments of daughter of Emperor Charles V and wife of Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, are present in this house. It is open Tuesday to Sunday; 9am to 6:00 pm.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

9. Plaza Cánovas del Castillo

It remains open Tuesday to Sunday; 9 am to 6:30 pm. On Mondays, it is closed.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

8. Monastery of San Lorenzo

It is located in Paseo de Juan de Borbón y Battenberg s/n, Madrid. There is no admission fee, and the best time to go there is from Tuesday to Sunday; 11 am to 4 pm.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

7. Paseo de la Castellana

It is open daily and there are no off days except public holidays.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

6. Palace of Communications

There is no entrance fee, and the timings to visit this museum are Tuesday to Sunday; 9 am to 6:30 pm. On Mondays and public holidays, it is closed.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

5. National Auditorium of Music

The design of this building was presented by the architect José María García de Paredes, and it was constructed as a part of the Programa Nacional de Auditorios (National Auditoriums Program). Its inauguration was done on October 21, 1988. The auditorium remains open all days of the week, and there are no off days except public holidays.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

4. Cuatro Torres Business Area

This business area is situated at the end of Paseo de la Castellana. To reach there, you can take the bus number 147 at Nuevos Ministerios. Don’t forget to book a seat next to the window for having the amazing view of Madrid city’s architectural buildings all around.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

3. El Rastro Flea Market

The market remains open every Sunday and public holidays of the year, from 9 am to 3 pm. It is situated in the barrio de Embajadores in the Central District of Madrid. The town counsil is responsible for the regulation of this market. It has almost 3500 stalls, covering the area from the Plaza de Cascorro. A statue has been dedicated to Eloy Gonzalo, a Spanish soldier who took place in the Cuban War of Independence.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

2. Geomining Museum

The Geomining Museum remains open all days of the week, from 9 am to 6:30 pm. It is a part of the Geologic and Mining Institute, Madrid.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe

1. National Museum of Romanticism

The museum is present in a late 18th century building of Madrid. It was opened in 1924, under the supervision of Bien de Interés Cultural. The museum remains open all days of the week except Mondays. The timings are 9 am to 6:30 pm. There is an entrance fee that ranges from 3 to 6 Euros.
Most Remarkable Place to See in Europe
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Top 10 Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

The selection of the right kind of tourist place requires a lot of attention and information. Until you know much about a place, you cannot decide whether it will suit your requirements or not. In this article, we’ve shared some useful information about the best tourist places. I am sure it will help you take the correct decision. Let us check out the top 10 most outstanding tourist places in the world.

10. Ermita de San Antonio de la Florida

Francisco de Goya was a well known artist of Spain. His remains and some things of his life are present in a tomb of a hermitage, which has been dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua, called "La Ermita de San Antonio de la Florida". Goya lost his life in exile in Bordeaux in 1828, and later on his remains were put in this beautiful chapel. To avoid any confusion, his bodies, along with his son’s and close friend’s bodies, have been placed here. This fact is of great surprise that the head of Goya is missing, and is thought to have been stolen in 19th century for studies. Goya was responsible to decorate the chapel, and played his role in the completion of frescoes in just 120 days. Nowadays, this museum-pantheon is standing to remind the times of both the painter and the saint. A cult statue of Saint Anthony is also present here, while a replica of the chapel is situated on the opposite side. It is used for services of a pilgrimage during the month of June on the day when the life of saint is celebrated at local level.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

9. Fountain of Apollo

The Fountain of Apollo is not so famous because it is a bit hidden. Apollo was the the founder of the education in art and medicines. The sculpture shows that he holds a lyre in his left hand and has a cloak all around. The decoration of the fountain is done with the allegorical figures of the Four seasons. To make it look more beautiful, there are three shells as decoration. The design of this beautiful fountain was presented by the famous architect, Ventura Rodriguez. This is the third fountain he designed, the rest of the two are the Fountain of Cibeles, and the Fountain of Neptune. Its construction was initiated in 1780 during the reign of Carlos III. The sculptor Alfonso Giraldo Bergaz had done the figure of Apollo in 1802. On the other hand, Manuel Alvarez had done the Four Seasons sculpture. This fountain is of Neoclassic style, and was founded in 1803.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

8. Fountain of Neptune

The Fountain of Neptune was constructed when King Carlos III ordered, and the design was presented by the architect Ventura Rodriguez. The sculptor Juan Pascual de Mena laid the foundation of this beautiful fountain in 1780 and in 1786 his disciple Jose Rodriguez completed the project. The statues here show a nude Nepture, the god of seas, having a trident in a hand and a coiled snake in the other. He is standing on a chariot shaped. It is drawn by two sea horses and all over him are present cute dolphins. Beside him there are many seals that seem to be acting as picturesque water spouts. This fountain symbolizes the power of marine life in Spain. This is the power that the Bourbon king had an intention to recover with the reforms of the navy of Spain. Both the fountain and statue are counterpoints to the Cibeles fountain. Close to it, the Atletico de Madrid Futbol Club is known to celebrate its victory. The fountain is surrounded by buildings like the Prado Museum, the Palace Hotel, the Ritz Hotel, the Villahermosa Palace, and the San Jeronimo el Real Church. The fountain is constructed in Neo-classical style.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

7. Fundacion Infante de Orleans

The Infante de Orleans or FIO Foundation is a nonprofit organization. It is situated close to the Cuatro Vientos Airport, and has well preserves the aviation heritage of Spain. This organization’s aim is to continuously expand the funds needed to fulfill its different projects. The donations are receive either in the form of goods or in cash. According to an estimate, during May 2013, the FIO had 39 aircraft of over 30 types, all of them are in good condition except a few ones. In 1989, one of the sections of FIO was termed as the Flying Club. Here the monuments of Infante de Orleans have been kept. He had chosen to stay a distinguished pilot and aviation enthusiast, and provided support to the aeronautics department of Spain till his death. One year after, the foundation in 1990 selected the Cuatro Vientos Airport to host its operations. It is now situated near Madrid, and hosts the Museum of Aviation Spain and Astronautics.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

6. Geomining Museum

The Geomining Museum was formed when Isabel II requested its construction back in 19th century. It is the house to over 3,300 minerals and 5,000 fossils, which have been divided into six different sections named Systematic Mineral section, Mineral Resources’ section, Minerals of Autonomous Regions, Flora & Fossil Invertebrates, Foreign Fossils and Fossil Vertebrates. This is a creation of Royal Decree. Its foundation was originally laid in July 12 1849. The purpose of this museum is to preserve the diverse information and remains of the paleontological, geologic and mineral patrimony from the Spanish regions as well as the ancient colonial territories. It has now become a permanent part of the Geologic and Mining Institute. Various exhibitions are held here to captivate the attention of the students and researchers from all over the world. The construction of this building was initiated under the supervision of the architect Francisco Javier de Luque. The museum has undergone several reconstructions during the history, because it was destroyed many times in different wars. Also, because of lack of funds, its construction couldn’t be completed for many decades. The current look of the museum is the result of a cleanup and renovation project, and it was one more time opened for the public on March 2, 1989.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

5. Hipódromo de la Zarzuela

The Hippodrome de la Zarzuela is situated in Madrid, Spain. Its design was presented by architects Carlos Arniches Moltó and Martín Domínguez. The construction was completed when the two architects collaborated with the engineers of the Eduardo Torroja. It was first opened for the public in May 1941. Since then, the National Heritage has held several contests here to captivate the attention of worldwide tourists and local visitors. During July, 2003, the State Society for Industrial and State Lotteries (LAE) formed the society of Hippodrome de la Zarzuela SA for managing the racecourse. Hippodrome de la Zarzuela has been a good example of the sports infrastructure of Madrid. The architects have put much effort to present it in a unique and beautiful style.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

4. Iron Gate - Puerta de Hierro

The Iron Gate, alson known as Puerta de Hierro stands over the Cinturón del Pardo (the El Pardo ringroad). Its foundation was laid during the reign of Ferdinand VI in 1751. It is one of the best works of the architect Francisco Nagle, his assistant Francisco Moradillo, and sculptor Olivieri. All of these persons were responsible to not only construct this gate but also provide unique decorative elements for it. This gate is of classic baroque structure, and has the mix of Italian and French styles, with a semi-circular arch that is flanking by two pillars. It has been linked to them by original wrought-iron railings. Also, you can see a pediment with the royal coat of arms here. The Puerta de Hierro gate used to be an entry point of a restricted area where Ferdinand VI used to enjoy hunting. The area sealed off by a wall o stones, bricks, and wire fencing. It has various properties that remind us the times of the royal family and villages that expanded over the years such as El Pardo and Mingorrubio. Unlike other gates of Madrid, the Iron Gate is present outside the city, near to the mansion Quinta de Goya.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

3. Lazaro Galdiano Museum

The Museum of Lázaro Galdiano is situated in Madrid, Spain. It is the house to the art collections of José Lázaro Galdiano. The palatial building was founded in 1903 as the residence of Lázaro Galdiano and his wife. This beautiful building is situated within grounds that are holding the library with Galdiano's collections of incunabula and manuscripts. Later on, it was converted to the form of a museum. It features baroque painted ceilings which belong to the times of Galdiano. The declaration of the building was given by Bien de Interés Cultural in 1962. The museum has vast collection of works of the prehistoric period until 19th century, and has focused much on the collections of Iberian work. Some of the prominent categories are jewelery items, small bronze, ecclesiastical and domestic silver, ceramics, and others. The objects kept here have been brought from Iberia, and places of medieval artistry such as Limoges and Egypt. The Renaissance has been presented nicely. The collection has various objects of early medieval such as Visigothic works, and crafts by Iberia's ancient Celtic culture.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

2. Lope de Vega House Museum

The House-Museum of Lope de Vega is the home of ‘golden age’ of the famous author, Lope de Vega. It is situated in Madrid, Spain. In 16th century, the house was the hub of the writer where he used to stay and write. But nowadays, it has been conserved by the Real Academia Española, an institution that is regulating the beauty of this place in the real Spanish-style. The academy has restored the house and was given the form of a museum in 1935. This is the same year when the building was regarded as a national monument. The Academía owns three of Lope de Vega's manuscripts in displays of the museum. Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio (1562-1635) was one of the best playwrights of Spain. He is often regarded as the Shakespeare of Spanish literature. Lope de Vega started writing when he was twelve years old, and has written about 2000 plays. He was banished from Madrid for over seven years because he wrote insulting poems about his former girlfriend, the daughter of a famous businessman.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World

1. Market of San Miguel

The Market of San Miguel is situated in the heart of major tourist attraction, Madrid. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 2000. The market is very famous among the tourists because of the fact that it is easy to approach from almost all corners of the city. It is within walking distance from Plaza Mayor. The market has been constructed in an impressive style, and nowadays, its structure depicts the modern-venue with a huge supply of premium food products. It lets the visitors enjoy various shopping options. You can buy your favorite things every day, participate in activities and exhibitions, or enjoy some snacks with cold drink. The decoration of this market is very stylish, and it has 33 stalls that feature delicacies and carefully selected raw ingredients. It reflects the multifaceted nature of Spanish gastronomy. Visiting this market will make you realize how rich and marvelous the cultural and traditional values of Spain are. It is a Property of Cultural Interest in the Monument category. It was constructed under the supervision of Alfonso Dubé y Díez in 1916.
Most Outstanding Tourist Places in the World
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Top 10 Best Tourist Points in Spain

Spain is one of the major tourist countries in the world. It is known for its vibrant attractions, ancient monuments, marvelous buildings, and luxurious hotels. Whether you are newly married couple or coming here for business reasons, Spain won’t let you down in terms of providing high quality services and so many interesting activities. Let us have a look at the list of top 10 best tourist points in Spain.

10. Air Force Museum

The Air Force Museum is situated several kilometers away from Southern Madrid, in a corner of Cuatro Vientos AB. The museum has well exhibited some of the highly impressive and interesting collections of historical monuments. It has a wide collection of air birds such as the Heinkel HE-111, the Junkers JU-52 and Boeing KC-97L Stratotankers—all of these were used in flight-fueling of the Spanish Phantoms. The museum was founded in 1981, and has been divided into six exhibition galleries. More than 200 aircrafts have been kept in display here. Be informed that Cuatro Vientos was inaugurated in 1911, and is regarded as the very first military airfield of Spain. The museum is expanded in an approximate area of 66,000 m2, including outdoor display sections and seven hangars. The planes and helicopters, kept here, used to serve in Spanish Air Force. Some worth see aircrafts kept here are the Jesús del Gran Poder, the Breguet 19, the de Havilland Dragon Rapide, the Heinkel He 111, and the Junkers Ju 52.
Best Tourist Points in Spain

9. Aranjuez Railway Station

The Aranjuez Railway Station is one of the oldest railway stations of Spain. Aranjuez is actually, situated about 42 km in the south of Madrid, at the confluence of the Tagus and Jarama rivers, about 42 km away from Toledo. This town is considered to be one of the Royal Estates of Spain since 15th century. There have had been various theories about the origin of this beautiful area’s name. But the widely accepted theory says that it has originated as a result of Basque language, derived from arantza. During 11th century, the Order of Santiago acquired this area. Truly it has a long history which gives a lot of information about the historical values of Spain. It remained as the spring residence of Kings of Spain during 19th century. On the other hand, in 16th century, the Philip II laid the foundation of royal palace in this area. The design of this palace was presented by Juan Bautista de Toledo and Juan de Herrera.
Best Tourist Points in Spain

8. Arco de la Victoria

The Arco de la Victoria is one of the most ancient monuments of Spain. It was constructed in 1956 with the purpose to present tribute to the Nationalist army which had defeated the republicans during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The Arco de la Victoria is also known as the Puerta de Moncloa or Moncloa Gate. This makes us believe that it has various names. The approximate height of the arch is 39m/128ft. It has been topped by a statue of a four-horse chariot. Franco derived along this route regularly by traveling to Madrid from his house, the El Pardo Palace. Just like various other cities of Europe, Madrid’s Arco de la Victoria is one of the major tourist attractions. It is at the Plaza de la Moncloa, near the Oeste Park. This was originally built between 1953 and 1956, and the architects like Arregui, Jose Ortells, Lopez Knoll and Paschal Bravo contributed their skills and efforts in its beauty and construction. The purpose of this arch was to commemorate the victory of the Spanish Civil War. It underwent minor reconstruction during the times of Franco in 1956. It is said that Franco had passed from this route regularly.
Best Tourist Points in Spain

7. Army Museum

The Army Museum of Spain was founded as the result of the emergence of several military museums at the end of 19th century and at the start of 20th century. The core of this museum has been formed by the Museum of Artillery and Engineers. During 1803 the Prime Minister Godoy ordered to form the Royal Military Museum in Madrid. This was the beginning of the Army Museum we see nowadays. It is one of the most ancient museums of Spain, and has a lot of monuments and preservation of objects related with military history in its different display centers. Presently, all of the exhibition and collections at this museum are considered to be for educational purpose only. It was constructed with an aim to collect the supporting soldiers’ training and supplementing teaching materials from the military academies. In 1827, the museum was divided into two sections: the Artillery Museum and the Engineers’ Museum. Both of the sections operate differently and have totally different collections. During the end years of 19th century, many new military museums were created. Some of them are the Quartermasters' Museum (1885), the Cavalry Museum (1889), and the Infantry Museum (1908). In 1929, an idea was turned to the practical form when a new museum was created by merging all of those ancient military museums. Until the Second Republic, the Military History Museum was created, which comprises of different sections of weapons, the Quartermaster and Military Medical Corps equipment, and other monuments.
Best Tourist Points in Spain

6. Atocha Station

Atocha Station Madrid is also named as Madrid Puerta de Atocha. It is one of the largest railway stations of the city that serves the commuter trains, and regional trains of south, AVE trains of Barcelona, and other various trains. The Spanish national railway company is responsible to run all of these train services. The station is situated in the Atocha, close to the district of Arganzuela. It is surrounded by streets like Calle de Atocha, Paseo del Prado, Paseo de la Infanta Isabel, Avenida de la Ciudad de Barcelona, and Calle de Méndez Álvaro. This station has been formed by the emergence of the Madrid Atocha Cercanías and Madrid Puerta de Atocha stations, as well as the Atocha Renfe station. The railway station was constructed in February, 1851. It was reconstructed in 1892 after being destroyed by fire. The architect, Alberto de Palacio Elissagne, in collaboration with Gustave Eiffel, presented a totally new style of construction of this railway station. Also the engineers like Henry Saint James participated in the project.
Best Tourist Points in Spain

5. Azca

Azca is nowadays regarded as the Avenue of Paseo de la Castellana. It is a famous financial district of Madrid. Azca is situated between the streets Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, Orense, General Perón and Paseo de la Castellana. It dates back its history from the times of the Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Madrid (PGOU), which got approval in 1946. This has been created with an aim to come up with a big block of modern-style offices, having metro and railway connections in the north Madrid, in front of Real Madrid stadium. Close to it, you can also find the very beautiful government complex of Nuevos Ministerios. Also there is one botanical garden, a library and an opera house near to Azca. Its construction was started in 1970. Today, it has some of the finest and very beautiful skyscrapers of the city; most famous are Torre Picasso (157 m), Torre Europa (121 m), Banco de Bilbao (107 m), Torre Titania (104 m), Torre Mahou (100 m), and Banco Santander Tower (100 m). In 2007, a new and very beautiful skyscraper was constructed in the north of Paseo de la Castellana. During 2005, Windsor Tower (106 m) was destroyed by fire.
Best Tourist Points in Spain

4. Basilica of San Francisco el Grande

The Royal Basilica of San Francisco el Grande is called as Real Basílica de san Francisco el Grande in Spanish language. It is a Roman Catholic church, situated in the center of Madrid, located in the Barrio close to the La Latina. The main façade is facing the Plaza of San Francisco at the intersection of Bailén, the Gran Vía de san Francisco, and the Carrera de san Francisco. It has formed some parts of the convent of Jesús y María. The convent was constructed during 13th century at a chapel. The design of basilica is Neoclassic style, and is based on the ideas of Francisco Cabezas, developed by Antonio Pló, and completed by Francesco Sabatini. The church has some fantastic paintings of Zurbarán and Francisco Goya. The temple used to function as the National pantheon, and had enshrined the monuments of various artists in the history. The church has incorporated three chapels, all of which are magnificently beautiful. The seven major doors have been carved by Casa Juan Guas. Also the Gothic choir stalls of 16th century have come from La Cartuja del Paular in Segovia province. The dome of the church has approximately 33 m diameter, and 58 m height. Its shape resembles the Pantheon's dome. It has circular shape and is distinctive from the various typical domes of 18th century.
Best Tourist Points in Spain

3. Campo del Moro Park

Situated behind the Palacio Real is a big and very beautiful park of Madrid, the Campo del Moro Park. It is spread in an approximate area of 20 hectares and is also known as Field of the Moor. Beside the park is the Manzanares River. In 11th century, the Almoravid Chieftain Ali Ben-Yusuf had settled his camp here at the time he worked hard for capturing the Alcazar from the Christians. Unfortunately, he couldn’t succeed in these attempts and had to retreat, but the field was given the name of Campo del Moro since then. The time when the Alcazar burned down, King Felipe IV ordered to re-build the Palacio Real along with the park and garden. With the help of some funds, the park was reconstructed, because at that time there wasn’t enough money as the cost could be. When Isabel II was still a minor, under the regency of her mother Queen Maria Cristina, the park was reconstructed. Not only this but also the Triton and Seashell Fountain were taken from the Royal Palace of Aranjuez and Boadilla and were kept in the park. Its design is in geometric form. By 19th century’s end, it was renovated and given a look of English style. More than 60 plant species were kept here including the long trees and flowering plants. Nowadays, the park presents a very romantic and beautiful style. Many of its trees are over 150 years old such as oaks, elms, and other types of trees.
Best Tourist Points in Spain

2. Carriage Museum

It is one of the best museums of the world, carrying the wider collection of carriages. This outstanding museum was founded in 1960 by architect Ramón Andrada. It has a marvelous ingenious system of hexagonal modules that add great value to the overall beauty of the museum. This museum presents a variety of carriages that used to belong to the royal family. The museum has a wide collection of artifacts and monuments, belonging to the Royal Mews. We can regard it as one of the very few museums of Europe that have been specialized in carriages. The Cocheras del Rey is the name given to a series of ancient buildings, belonging to 18th century. These used to be the service points of the Royal Household, covering their transport requirements. The collection of the museum is called the Casa de los Oficios del Viaje. Not only this but also you can view the carriages that belong to 1771 and 1870. Some of the other highlights of this museum are ancient vehicles, horse-drawn carriages, sleighs, harnesses, post house items, hunting equipment, and various other things.
Best Tourist Points in Spain

1. Cason del Buen Retiro

The Casón del Buen Retiro is an annex of the Museo del Prado complex. It is the house of the Escuela del Prado, and one library. In the display, you can view the Picasso's Guernica canvas and the sketches which have deep association with the creation of this place. Their history can be dated back from 1981. It was the time when delivery to Spain from New York was made possible. In 1992, various monuments from Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) were brought to Spain. Currently, it is located at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, in front of the Puerta de Felipe IV entrance, in the western Retiro Park. The Casón was originally constructed as ballroom of the Buen Retiro Palace. It is of great value from an artistic point of view. In 2010, this was brought to the Alcázar de Toledo, and had housed the Museo del Ejército (Army Museum). During 1960, it was used as Museo de Reproducciones Artísticas, and was settled by President, Antonio Canovas del Castillo. The building’s use as an exhibition remained until 1971. Finally, the collections of ancient paintings, sculptures, and other monuments were brought here.
Best Tourist Points in Spain
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